PostgreSQL hstore

John Bachir's Code Blog
November 24, 2013

With its newish hstore extension, Postgres now has the ability to store schemaless data, like MongoDB, Riak, and other newfangled data stores. I've been wanting to play with it for a while and recently started on something that I thought might benefit from it. Inside model A, I'm storing an arbitrary number of rows of model B, which . . .

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Passing multiple blocks to a Ruby method

John Bachir's Code Blog
November 24, 2013

Something I've wanted to toy around with for a while -- here's a little pattern for passing multiple blocks to a Ruby method. This is something I find myself wishing for now and again, although at the moment I can't think of what one of those use cases were.

def generate_continue_object(*args)
 args.each{|a| puts a.inspect . . .

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